There is no doubt that YouTube is the most popular video-sharing website and the second largest search engine that attracts millions of visitors every day. One-third of internet users using YouTube, over two Billion users visit YouTube each month, and every day generates billions of views. Seventy percent of YouTube users use their mobile phones to watch videos.

There are thousands of video creators on YouTube who create videos on a variety of topics. From professional to amateur video editors create stunning videos with effective background music. You may wonder which music they are using and from they got such music. The background scores have a great role in the success of a video. So finding the right music that matches the visual is key in editing videos. Do you want to find which music is used by a YouTuber as the background score of a video?

Youtube Description
The easiest way to find the music video used on Youtube is to check the video description. The music credit is mentioned in the description.

Youtube Video Comments
If you cannot find any details about the music used in the video description, then check the comments to know somebody mentioned about the music used in the video. If the background score is an attractive one, definitely people will ask and search for the background score used in that video. You can ask the question in the comment section so that somebody will (sometimes, the creator himself) reply to your question.

Chrome Extension
AHA Music – Music Identifier
(Chrome Extension)
This is the best music identifier that I tested to find some music used on YouTube videos. This Music Recognition extension can easily find and identify any song playing in your web browser. First, install the AHA Music extension in Google Chrome browser, click the button of the extension (AHA Music – Music Identifier) on a page with the audio playing and it will recognize the song name, artist name along with YouTube, Spotify, and Deezer stream links. From my experience, it can recognize music with incredible accuracy and gave all the information about the song used.

Lyrics Search Engines
If you know the lyrics, you can use any lyric search engines to find the music used on YouTube videos. There are a number of lyrics search engines available like, Lyricsworld, Findmusicbylyrics, etc.

The first YouTube video was uploaded on 23 April 2005 by the co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo, Me at the Zoo still on YouTube.


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