In our daily life, on several occasions, we may encounter problems to obtain some essential files or photos from our home computer to our office (work) computer. If somebody is in your home, having a good knowledge of computer and internet and having an internet connection you get the file through your mail or through any file sharing site. If there is no one in your home or the one in your home is not an experienced internet user things become more difficult. Suppose if there is a way to connect your work computer to home computer to check the availability of a file in your home computer, how sweet it is?
Here are some ways to remotely connect your computer with another computer.
Using Windows Remote Desktop Connection
If you are using a Windows-based computer the best option is Windows Remote Desktop Connection. Through Remote Desktop Connection, you can connect your computer to another computer running Windows that is connected to the Internet or in the same network. Through Remote Desktop Connection, you can access the other computer’s installed programs, resources, and files. Now, how to connect to a remote computer? The two computers must be turned on and must have a network or internet connection. Then enable the Remote Desktop connection, and grand the permission to connect to another computer. For permission to connect, you must be on the list of users. To set up a Remote Connection first goes to Control Panel then click System then go to Advanced System Settings. Now go to Remote tab, under Remote Assistance, tick the check mark on Allow Remote Assistance connections to this computer. To Connect to a Remote Desktop, Click on Start menu go to All Programs, then to Accessories and find Remote Desktop Connection. In the new screen enter the Name of the computer or IP address of the computer you wish to connect to and click on Connect. In the box enter the login details of the user account. You can check this tutorial to set up a remote desktop connection.
Accessing other computers using Chrome Browser
If you are using Google Chrome browser, an extension is there to connect with other computers-Chrome Remote Desktop. The extension allows you to remotely access a computer through your Chrome browser or Chromebook. The fully secured connection is good for remote technical support and for remote accessing applications and files from another computer. The Chrome Remote Desktop is a cross-platform extension, that can give remote assistance to Windows, Mac and Linux users, or access your Windows and Mac desktops from your Chrome browser. You can get the Chrome Remote Desktop extension from Chrome Webstore.
MSP360 Remote Assistant
The Cloudberry (MSP 360) remote assistant is a free tool to quickly connect to a remote computer. You can access desktop orserver computer over the internet through an encrypted SSL connection. MSP360 is a handy tool to establish secure remote connection between two computers, you need to install the software on two computers the source and target. The app is by default launched into Allow Remote Control mode to allow other users to connect to your computer. To establish a connection you need a Computer ID and PIN. You can share the details to the person to connect to your computer. After receiving tyour ID and PIN, they can connect your computer by providing the Computer ID and clicking Connect. You will immediately be prompted to permit the connection. If you don’t want to share the entire screen, you can choose to share only a specific application. Then enter the PIN by the remote person will allow him to access your system. TeamViewer
Another option is by using specific tools that is specially designed for the remote connection purpose like TeamViewer. The tool helps you to connects to any PC or server around the world and can remote control another PC. TeamViewer is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS and for Windows Phone. Teamviewer is a free utility. The user manuals and help files are available here.
Like TeamViewer, LogMeIn Pro gives you fast, easy remote access to your PC or Mac from your browser, desktop, and mobile devices. The paid service have some advanced features like file transfer, file sharing and remote printing help. With LogMeIn, you can easily and securely transfer large files between computers through file manager and can synchronize, copy or move entire folders from one computer to another.
Gotomypc is a tool to transfer file between computers. You can view full displays of all monitors connected to your computer. You can easily cut, copy and paste between your connected computers.
For MAC Users
If you want to connect a Windows computer to a Mac computer using a screen sharing client like TightVNC or UltraVNC. TightVNC is a free remote control software, using TightVNC you can see the desktop of a remote computer and can control it. UltraVNC is a powerful, easy to use and free software that can display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your own screen. For Ma,c to Mac connection Mac’s Built-In Screen Sharing is the best option. Mac OS X has a good Screen Sharing feature built into the OS, so you can use the built-in Screen Sharing feature to access any Mac from another Mac easily. Another option for Mac users is Apple Remote Desktop, having Automator actions, Remote Spotlight search and a new Dashboard widget.
These are some methods to remotely connect your computer with another computer. You can do more with a remote desktop connection, now most of the computer support geeks offering technical support through Teamviewer, which give them the freedom to give customer support to users in real-time. If you are running a business and you want to distribute software among your users or if you are running a technical support firm, you can provide real-time online support to end users through a remote desktop connection. If you have any other ideas, you can share it here.