Have you ever noticed a file named as EPS? The EPS file stands for Encapsulated Postscript, is a standard graphics file format created by Adobe in 1992. EPS are graphics files, usually used in vector based images in Adobe illustrator program. The EPS file contain text, graphics and preview image in bitmap format. This format is used to save and share artwork, drawing and logos.
So, how to view a EPS file? Two types of EPS file avaiable. One is a vector based graphics file, this file can be opened and edited in any vector based programs very easily. Second is EPS photo file, it is a picture type file, that can be opened in some image editing programs like Photoshop. If you are having Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustrator and Microsoft word, you can open EPS files. You can also use Adobe Reader, Irfanview, Openoffice Draw, Libreoffice Draw, GIMP, etc.
EPS Viewer
EPS Viewer is a free software for opening and viewing EPS graphics file. This software can display image preview, it can convert and save the EPS file to other image formats as .jpg, .gif, .png.
EPS Converter
Using EPS converter, you can easily convert your EPS (PS) files toother image formats like JPG, PNG, SVG or can convert to PDF file. To convert the EPS file upload the file to EPS converter. You can also enter the eps image URL with maxium file size limit of 10MB. You can convert to taget format like JPEG, PNG, GOF, SVG, TIF and PDF. You can select the resolution and transparency.
You can view EPS files using the above programs, but if you want to edit the EPS files you need Adobe illustrator or Corel Draw software. You can easily resize, edit and manipulate EPS files using these programs. When using EPS file in Adobe photoshop or similar programs the file will be flattened like a JPEG file and make it difficult to edit the file. Some stock photo sale agencies preferred EPS files, because it allows their end users to edit and change colors, move things around and customize the design.