If you are Windows user, you may be experiencing a slow system startup due to the large number of programs that started with the operating system. There are big lists of auto startup items like antivirus, messengers, cutting tools, dictionaries, file transfer applications,  synchronizing apps do their work with the windows startup, which brings system stuck or too slow to be ready to work. I noticed such situations in different computers by inexperienced users. To inactivate such startup item requires some level of knowledge of the operating system blocks the users from deactivating such applications from auto loading. Even a majority of users don’t know such applications need not be auto loaded by the system.  Some users commented that before the system doesn’t show such an application, but now the system shows an application running and it took too much time to load. If your system has less memory, the situation is more tragic, in most of the time the system may get stuck due to autorun applications. There are some tricks available to disable such autorun applications from loading automatically.

First, we have to go through the traditional way. Windows has a System Configuration Utility, you may hear it as MSConfig. This is a useful tool for managing and controlling startup programs. You can access the MSConfig, on Windows versions XP and prior, click Start -> Run, and in the run box, enter “msconfig”, on Vista and 7, type “msconfig” into the search box in the main menu. The System Configuration Utility appears as shown in the below screenshot. Click the Startup tab (the last tab). There you will see a list of programs that start when your computer starts.To stop a program from automatically launching when you boot the computer, uncheck the box next to its entry. Remember, take appropriate precautions when disabling items in MSConfig, some items are necessary to start up and working of essential tools like antivirus. You can also do this easily using some dedicated tools. Some of the highly useful tools are discussed below.


The starter is a free application which allows to view and manage all the programs that are starting automatically whenever operating system is loading. The tool enumerates all the hidden registry entries, startup folders’ items and some of the initialization files, so that the user could choose to temporarily disable selected entries, edit them, create new, or delete them permanently. This tool can also be used to list all the running processes with possibility to view extended process’ information (such as used DLLs, memory usage, thread count, priorities etc.), and to terminate selected process. The starter is a freeware, the user interface is pretty simple and has a lot of options that are self-explanatory. It works well on Microsoft Windows 9x, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista operating systems.

(Download Autoruns)

This is a tiny utility for startup monitor which shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and shows you the entries in the order Windows processes them. These programs include ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys. You can configure Autoruns to show other locations, including Explorer shell extensions, toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, and much more. You can easily manage processes using the clear user interface.

(Download Argente)

Many applications, when you install, are configured to run automatically when Windows starts, which is not always necessary. Argente StartUp Manager is a utility that displays all the applications that start with Windows. You can block elements like spyware and adware from automatically loading that follow your movements on the Internet and consume the bandwidth of your connection. 

Quick Startup
(Quick Startup at glarysoft)

Quick Startup is a quick and simple startup manager designed specially to speed up Windows boot by delaying some programs auto-startup after system boot, or removing unnecessary programs that snatch resources to launch themselves at the system boot. Quick Startup works to arrange the auto-start programs and makes enough resources for system boot, speeding up PC loading to the fastest performance,you can see the application screenshot.

Advanced Startup Manager
(Unfailingsoft Advanced Startup Manager)

Autorun management is with just a few clicks, you can put any program, file, folder, or Internet connection on a special list, and then it will start automatically whenever you log into your system. Advanced Startup Manager offers user-friendly interface, full support of drag and drop, fast operation, and reliability.The tool has a nice interface to manage the process.

Cleaner: Startup Manager

You may notice this simple tool and may have used this tool. But most of the users don’t know that it is also equipped with a startup manager. CCleaner removes unused files from your system allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up hard disk space. The tool also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. It contains a fully featured registry cleaner and startup manager. This is our favorite tool,  to be frank this is the only tool needed to do a disk cleanup, registry cleanup and handling startup programs.

What is your opinion about the tools? Each tool has its own feature set and tools. You can choose your own tool. If you want an all in one tool CCleaner is the best tool to consider. The time tested tool comes with disk cleaner, registry cleaner and startup manager, moreover it is free to use!


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