When using your computer you may get confused to find the keys for tilde, caret, backslash, backquote, etc. It becomes difficult to use a mouse when editing documents or photos. You can do everything fast using a pair of keys. Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys for doing something that you’d typically do with a mouse. It saves time and speeds up your workflow.

Keyboard KeyName and usage
EscEscape key-to abort or close an operation, to stop action, leave a program, return to a previous menu.
F1-F12Function keys-special keys used to perform operations defined by the operating system (example F1 for help)
PrtscPrint screen key-when pressed the key captures and sends the current desktop screen (screenshot) to clipboard. Use a paint/image editing software to paste the screen from the clipboard.
DeleteDelete key- to remove text, file, or object from the computer. In Windows, the deleted files are sent to the Recycle bin. Shift+Delete shortcuts will permanently delete the file from the computer.
HomeHome key-moves the cursor to beginning of the document or webpage.
EndEnd key-moves the cursor to the end of the document or webpage
pg upPage up key- to move up one page when viewing a multipage document or webpage
pg dnPage down key- to move down one page when viewing a multipage document or webpage
backspaceBackspace- to move the cursor to move backward
num lockNumeric lock-it is a lock key like caps lock or scroll lock, the key allows to use only numbers. The number keyboard contains numbers and function, Numlock allows you to use only the numbers.
tabTab key- to switch between documents or webpages.
caps lockCaps lock-to enable uppercase until disabled. When Caps Lock has enabled the letters appears in capital letter.
Scroll lockScroll lock key- to stop the scrolling of the text, when scroll lock is on the arrow keys would scroll the contents of a text window instead of moving the cursor.
enterEnter key- to perform an action, or to start a new line of writing.
shiftShift key is a modifier key to type single capital letters, or to type symbols on the top number keys. two-shift key on the left and right side of the computer keyboard.
pausePause key- to temporarily halt a computer process
ctrlControl key is a modifier key to perform a special operation when pressed in conjunction with another key. Ctrl+Alt+Del will open up the task manager or reboot your system.
fnFunction key found on laptops due to keyboard size restriction. To perform an action press the Fn key and the relevant F key (F1-F12).
windowsWindows logo key-press it with another key to access a shortcut. Pressing the Windows key by itself opens the start menu, and pressing Win+E will open up Windows Explorer.
altAlt key/Alternate key-to change the functions of other pressed keys.
spacebarSpacebar- a long key on the computer keyboard for making space between words.
arrowsArrow keys-fro moving the cursor or insertion point right, left, up, or down.
insertInsert key- to insert text in front of other text.
breakBreak key- to stop a running program. Pressing Ctrl+break terminates a DOS application.

The computer keyboard has 104 keys, with 12 function keys, one numeric keypad with 17 keys, ten number keys, 26 alphabetic keys, 40 symbols on 28 keys, and four arrow keys in six rows. Read this article Know Names of Keyboard Symbols in Computer Keyboard to know the name of different keyboard symbols. Read do more with Function keys and Modifier keys to learn more about function keys.


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