Google Forms is free online software that allows you to create surveys, and quizzes. Google Forms is a part of Google’s web-based apps suite, including Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides. Google Forms are simple forms that accept various kinds of response types. 

Wondering, how to make a google form? Do you want to create a test in google forms? Google Forms is a survey administration software that you can use to create online surveys and quizzes and send them to other people. Google Forms allows you to collect information from people through surveys or quizzes. You can collect the response into a spreadsheet automatically. This spreadsheet populates the responses from the quiz or survey in real-time.

Create a new form
To start a new form or quiz, go to Under ‘start a new form’, click the Blank + icon, and a new form will open. Your form is created and ready to edit. You can add and edit up to 300 pieces of content, like questions, descriptions, images, and videos in Google forms.

Add and edit the question to your form
To add a question click the Add + icon on the right navigation bar. In the new question field, to the right of the question title, choose the type of question you want like ‘multiple choice’, ‘short answer’, ‘paragraph’, checkboxes’, etc. Then type the possible responses to your question. If you want to prevent people from not answering questions, turn on Required.

Add an image or video to your question
If you want to add an image or video to a question or an answer, click the question and on the right, click ‘Add image’. Upload an image then click ‘select’. You can also paste the URL of an image. To add a video, on the right click ‘Add video’. Choose your video and click ‘Select’ to add a video to your form.

Add a section to your form
If you want to divide your forms into sections, you can use sections to create sections in the form. Sections make your form easier to read and complete. In Google forms on right-click, click ‘Add section’, and a new section will be created, name the new section as you wish.

Duplicate a question, image, or section
Do you want to duplicate a question or a section, you don’t want to do the task twice. Instead, Click a question or image then click ‘Duplicate‘ to duplicate the question. To duplicate a section, click a section header then click More, and click the ‘Duplicate section‘.

Delete a question, image, or section
To delete a question or image, click the question or image that you want to delete. Then click ‘Delete‘. To delete a section click the section that you want to delete, click more, and click ‘Delete Section‘.

Choose where to save form responses
When the user sends a form, you can gather the responses inside the form or separately in Google Sheets. In the top left under ‘Responses’, click Summary. In the top right, click More, ‘Select response destination’. Choose an option: Create a new spreadsheet or Select an existing spreadsheet. Create a new spreadsheet will create spreadsheet for responses in Google Sheets. Selecting an existing spreadsheet will allow you to choose from your existing spreadsheets in Google Sheets to store responses. Then click ‘Create’ or ‘Select’.


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