Big fan of Gmail, but wondering how to send files greater than 25MB size through Gmail, as the email provider limits the file attachment size in Gmail to just 25MB? Here is the solution for that. Now Google integrated Google drive with Gmail, so users can now send files up to 10GB in Size. With Google Drive, you can insert  file size, that is 400 times larger than what you can send in a traditional email attachment. Do you want to send bigger files like your graduation party, your sisters wedding ceremony, or a celebration that you captured with your camcorder, all this possible now Gmail. first upload files to Google drive and insert the files from Google drive as shown in the below screenshot. You can find a new Google drive icon in the new compose box.

Gmail drive

At present the Google drive based feature available in the new compose feature which the Gmail introduced recently. So you should enable the new compose box to use this feature. Then the file size bigger than 25MB size first transfer to the Google drive in order to attach  them in Gmail. Users can also paste Google Drive links directly into emails to share a file or can attach videos, PDF, images, etc. Gmail will double-check that your recipients all have access to any files you’re sending and whenever you send a file from Drive that isn’t shared with everyone. At that point you’ll be prompted with the option to change the file’s sharing settings without leaving your email as shown in the below screenshot.


Wondering what is the new compose feature? The new compose feature, opens the new message compose box in a pop-up window, just like Gmail chats. So you don’t want to leave your inbox for sending a new message. This feature makes it easy to reference any other emails without ever having to close your draft. You can even do a search or keep an eye on new mail as it comes in. The compose window works the same way as  Gmail chats, you can write multiple messages at once and minimize a message to finish it later. You can see the below screenshot  with the popup compose feature.


With the new compose feature and with the fine integration of Google with Gmail makes the email more powerful which couldn’t compare with other similar service at this point. We tested the new compose feature and we are delighted by seeing it’s performance. You can view our earlier article about, take journey with Gmail to know how the emails from our browser safely reaches the recipients account. What’s your opinion about this new feature from Gmail?


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