Ever wondered how to find the lyrics of your favorite song from the internet. In those old days, we have to listen to the songs several times to write down the lyrics, by the time the cassette tape becomes useless or may get damaged. Luckily, now we don’t want to listen to the song a hundred times to jot down the lyrics to a paper or book. There are a number of sites offering free lyrics service. You can visit any of such service to print out the lyrics.
A large, legal, every day growing universe of lyrics where stars of all genres and ages shine.
The world’s largest catalog of song lyrics and translations. You can find the top lyrics in Musicmatch. https://www.musixmatch.com/explore
Shazam will identify any music playing around you. An easy way to discover, explore and share the music and TV you love.
This website has the biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge.
It is a free wiki like website where anyone can get reliable lyrics for any song by any artist.
LyricsMINT is a Bollywood related lyrics website that provides Hindi Songs Lyrics and Punjabi Songs.
It is a Bollywood’s lyrics website for up to date latest Songs Lyrics, watch the latest music videos and browse the proper lyrics.
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