There is no doubt that the online mapping application changed the way of exploring new paths. In those olden days, we are having only those old paper maps and little…
Saving Driving Directions in Google Map
There is no doubt that the Map application is becoming an essential tool to not only tech savvy people but for layman. Google Maps helps you to mark your driving,biking…
Capture The Screenshots of Online Maps
In this era of electronic maps and GPS system, traveling becomes more fun and tension free. There are a number of online mapping tools available like Google map, Bing map,…
Do a 3D Photo Tours using Google Map
Do you like to visit popular places in the world, but struggling with your small budget and no hope to visit those place in the near future. Don’t worry Google…
3D maps and Heatmaps of Most Popular Tourist Destinations
Onion Map introduced a great collection of interactive 3D maps of some of the most world’s popular cities.You can zoom and move around the place just like the Google Maps but this is more clean and interesting. Foreign tourists will also find these maps very useful since all the major city attractions, hotels & restaurants, shopping joints, etc. are very neatly and clearly marked.