In these days cameras come with powerful processors, megapixel resolution, and fast lenses that bring the mobile photography revolution. You can take pictures wherever you go, whenever you want. The new mobiles help you to take high-quality photos and will helps you to upload to your social account or to an image sharing account on the go.
Know Your Phone’s Camera/Go For a Good Camera Phone
This is the first thing. If you already have a phone, know the specifications and the functions available in your wisting phone. If you are planning to buy a new phone, and photography is your passion, then check some good camera phones available on the market, check its features and compare the sample images available on various sites. Try to get actual photos from the mobile, zoom the image to check the image noise and sharpness. Give enough attention to the quality of photos, lighting, focusing, sharpness, color reproduction, and low light sensitivity.
Keep the lens Clean
Your phones spend much of its time in your pockets, or on tables, or in your hands. Due to our day to day activities, the lens gathers dust and fingerprints as it is positioned at the back side. A dirty lens always performs bad, as the dirt blocks light from entering through the lens. You can use a clean microfiber cloth to clean your phone’s lens that makes your photos clear. Do a lens check before taking photos.
Go Closer to the Subject
Go closer to the subject to get sharp images. Almost all smartphone cameras have a digital zoom, but the digital zoom is notorious for creating noises on the images and it destroys the image quality. It is always better to go closer to your subject, to make sharp, noiseless photos. If your camera has an optical zoom, you can use it.
Look for the light
Check the subject gets enough light to gets its details well. Don’t trust on your phone’s underpowered LED Flash. It won’t perform well in all situations. Natural lighting is always better. Try to set up some lights if you are shooting indoor or you can open the windows to get more light.
Adjust Exposure
You can make the basic adjustment like brightening a scene or darkening a scene by adjusting the brightness adjustment dial on your camera’s preview screen. Use the dial to brighten or darken the shadows to get a more pleasing look.
Stabilize Your Smartphone
People are using the casual one-handed photography, that makes the image blurry. To get sharp images you should keep your smartphone steady and stable with both hands. If it is a moving subject or the light availability is poor then there is a great chance to get shaky photos with a single-handed operation. A tripod with a smartphone holder or a smartphone stabilizer is ideal for the perfect shots, but you can stabilize it with your both hands. Keeping the shot steady is important in low light conditions when exposure times have to be longer.
Master the Settings
Newer cell phones have an HDR feature. This feature helps the camera to take several images with different light and then put them together into a single image, resulting in a more detailed clearer picture.
Learn The Rule of Thirds (Golden ratio)
In the rule of thirds, an image is split into nine equal blocks that form a three-by-three grid. You should place the most interesting parts of your image near the corners of these segments, where the imaginary gridlines meet. Here the image is subdivided into two horizontal and two vertical guidelines, and these create nine uniform boxes. The subject you want to capture should be placed on one of the four intersection points of the grid, or also along a line. Turn on ‘Assistive Grid’ in the camera photo settings to see the grids.