There are many debates on Technology boon or bane. Technology is dominating our life, it has tremendously improved on a wide scale in a small span of time. Technology can offer new jobs, it can also wipe out people’s jobs! Now language is not a problem, as we have a number of online translator applications with us (like Google Translate). Technology also gives an opportunity to create something incredible and you can earn a living through it.

Technology is an integral part of everyday life. Technology advances in such a way that today’s technology becomes outdated tomorrow. From the paperless functioning of offices to the cashless transactions to cut the cost, technology is spreading its wings everywhere. The mobile phone in the pocket becomes an essential tool, life appears insecure without it. A debit or credit card becomes handy for a commercial transaction, but at the moment, the careless transaction leads to a greater problem for the cardholder. Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets may also be ab intrusion of privacy. Here are some technological improvements that make our lives easier than before.

Secure Online Payments
Our shopping habits have changed, with the electronic payment system you do not have to spend a lot of time in banks or stores. You can make fund transaction in a few minutes, moreover, all expenses and transaction history is recorded on your account for future reference. But, how secure are your online payments? With the growing number of e-commerce and online transactions, there are new opportunities for cybercriminals. The data security are essential for e-commerce, the TLS certificate secures the data transmitted between the web server and the browser safe. Some sites offer two-step verification (two-factor authentication) to secure your online transactions. You can follow some simple measures to secure your online transactions, use strong passwords, refrain from writing them down somewhere, change the password frequently.

Improved healthcare
Technology has made patient care safer and reliable. The medical gadgets help to count the number of steps, calories burnt, sleeping patterns, and can monitor heart rate lively.

Online Shopping
Technology has changed the way consumers interact with and buy products. We can browse products online, do research on products before buying. Now people have a short attention span of about 5 to 8 seconds, so it becomes difficult to catch the customer’s attention and make them willing to buy.

Quick answers and references
In this age, we can get quick answers to our questions through online search engines and references. A few years ago we used to flip through the pages of a dictionary when we wanted to find the meaning of a word. Now, we don’t want to flip through the pages tiredly to get a result, instead, it takes only a few seconds to see the results online.

Bring people together
In those golden old days, letters are used to write posts and it took several weeks or months to reach the final recipient. Now it is easier to communicate with others through emails, Mobile phones, texting services, video conferences, video chat rooms, and social media accounts. The internet has made communication easier and faster, it helps us to stay in contact with others regardless of time and location. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter allow us to communicate through comments, likes or through profiles and status. We can make free internet calls using WhatsApp or Skype.

Smart Navigation
Once upon a time, we depend on other people to seek direction, we stop our vehicle at the various corner to ask for directions. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite navigation system used to determine the ground position of an object. To see whether we are going in the right direction, a search with the destination location in Google Maps is enough.

Wearable devices
The wearable devices market is growing rapidly. The wearable devices collect data, that helps doctors and patients alike monitor and assess the health of the wearer.

Online education and Job Hunting
Technology has made many structural changes in the teaching-learning process. Online learning opportunities and open educational resources are increase educational output. The use of technology has removed educational boundaries, now students and teachers can collaborate in real-time. Online education is flexible and affordable. Technology has also changed the entire job recruitment and job hunting process. Now job seekers can contact directly to the employers, they can create online resumes and can apply for a job with a click of a button. It is easier to get the employee reviews, work culture and salary data of a company. The employer review tools like Glassdoor, Indeed, Careerbliss, the job crowd, and Kununu help the candidate to see the actual working environment of a company.

News and Weather Updates
Technology is changing the way we get the news. Live streaming and personalized news offer news straight to the viewers who need it. News and weather updates are now offered in real-time.

Virtual Assistants
The virtual assistants can accomplish a wide variety of tasks. Smart speakers ( Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant) allows you to control your home using your voice. smart speakers can play music, it can provide answers from questions, and can control parts of our home.

The Bottom Line
I must say, technology is a boon as long as it is your slave when it becomes your master, technology becomes a bane.


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