Do you want to create a free PDF eBook from Wikipedia or want to download your favorite Wikipedia page as a PDF file? Wikipedia provides a simple solution for it.

Download as PDF
Wikipedia pages can be exported and saved as PDF files. From the left sidebar, under Print/export, select Download as PDF. The rendering engine starts, a dialog appears to show the rendering progress. When rendering is complete, the dialog shows ‘The document file has been generated. Download the file to your computer.’ Click the download link to open the PDF in your PDF viewer app.

How to create an EBook
Any article can be downloaded or printed as a PDF, and multiple articles can be combined into a PDF book. With the book creator, you can create a book containing wiki pages of your choice. You can export the book in different formats (PDF or ODF) or order a printed copy. After the book creator has been enabled, a box is shown above each wiki page.

The box contains; Add this page to your book, Show book, Suggest pages links.

Add this page to your book: Adds the currently viewed article (page) to your book.
Show book: Opens a new page which will show a list of all articles (pages) that you added to your book. On that page, you can change the order of the articles in your book and structure them using chapters. You can download the books as a PDF or ODF, or order a printed book.
Suggest pages: This tool analyzes the current set of pages in your book and suggests articles that might be also relevant to the overall topic of your book. This tool allows for creating books quickly.
Disable: This will disable the Book creator and delete your book.

You can easily add pages by simply hover on a linked article. If you wait about one second, a small box will pop up with the message ‘Add linked wiki page to your book’. Click on this link, and the linked article will be added to your book. Try the feature and share your experience. If you know more tricks or find any new hacks or tips, don’t forget to share it with our readers.


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