A text editor is a program that allows us to open, view, and edit plain text files. The text editor is not for formatting the text, it is only for editing plain text. Text editors are the best companion of programmers to write and edit programs and typing markup languages. In Windows, Notepad is the default text editing application installed, it is a very basic text editor with minimal features and low capabilities. The advanced text editors have syntax highlighting, numbering, and color-coding.

Notepad++ is a text editor, source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. It has a tabbed editing interface that allows us to work with multiple open files in a single window.

UltraEdit is a powerful and intuitive editing tool; you can copy, cut, paste, select, and delete texts. UltraEdit has a live preview feature, double-click an element in the preview to jump to its definition in the source. If it can be searched for, UltraEdit will find it. UltraEdit has integrated FTP capabilities and SSH/Telnet makes it easy to work with remote files and interact with servers from a single application. UltraEdit is built to edit large files that cause other text editors to crash.

Atom is a text editor, you can share your workspace and edit code together in real-time. With the GitHub package, you can work with Git and GitHub directly from Atom. Atom works across operating systems, you can use it on OS X, Windows, or Linux.

Textmate is a customizable text editor for macOS, that supports a huge list of programming languages.

Vim is a highly configurable text editor for creating and editing any kind of text. It has a persistent, multi-level undo tree, and has an extensive plugin system.

There is a list of free and paid text editors wit tons of features for programmers and web designers. The sublimetext, Coda, Komodo Edit, Gnu Emacs, Brackets, Gedit, BBEdit, Bluefish editor, Geany, NoteTab, Kate Editor, Edit plus, EmEditor, and Gnu nano.


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