Google Maps is a web mapping service from Google that offers satellite imagery, aerial photography, street maps, interactive panoramic views of streets, and real-time traffic conditions. It is highly useful for route planning for traveling by foot, car, bicycle, air, and public transportation.
In Google Maps ins are used to save a location. You can mark a location or address to help others to navigate to these locations. You can drop a pin easily on your mobile device.
On your smartphone open the Google map app, search for the address where you want to add a pin. Search for the exact location where you want to drop a pin. Press and hold the location on the screen, Dropped pin message appears, you can save, label, and share a place using the pin. On your laptop or desktop go to Google maps, search for an address in the Google map search bar. In the location search for the place that you want to drop the pin. Click on the spot on the map that you want to drop a pin, a small gray pin has appeared and an information box is also displayed at the bottom. You can save the pin in ‘your places’.